Sunday, 1 January 2017

My 2017 Goals


I thought I would basically share all my 'new years resolutions' with you. However, I don't want to call them that because it scares me... so we are gunna roll with 'goals'. I am a bit on the fence with all the New years goals, because I really don't think many of us stick to them. But this year, I do really think that I need some guidance and I'm going to properly try my hardest to stick to them. Also, I don't have millions because for me personally if I have 20 things to try and do, it really will not happen.

#1 Say yes 
I am quite a granny when it comes to a Saturday night out. I just love being cosy, getting my pjs off, hair up and then no makeup. But I just felt like I never go out, I literally went out on 4 nights out last year, which is sad for a 20 year old to say, I think. But I just generally want to do more things, not just drinking and getting wasted, but just saying yes to things and getting out of the house. Guys, I am currently hungover too... I deffo had too many vodka lemon and limes last night!

#2 Be a generally more healthy person
This goal really is quite  a big one. Last year my goal was 'drink more water' and I really do think I've done that, I never drink fizzy drinks apart from when I'm out for a meal or I go on a night out. This is because my favourite drink is either ' lemonade and lime' or 'vodka lemon and lime'. But this year, I just want to get out of the house more, go on runs, try to eat more fruit and veg. Just really generally be a healthier person, it's going to be hard but I just think I need to look after myself more. 

#3 Travel more
I want to travel more this year, not just abroad, but I want to go to other places in England as well. I have already planned a trip to Sheffield in February. But I really just want to travel and see more of the beautiful world. 

What are your 2017 goals? 


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