Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Turning Twenty

Today is my birthday, and I am super excited! I love birthdays, I love celebrating them with loved ones and its just lovely that it's your day and you can do whatever you like. I'm a big fan!

So I am now stepping out of my teenage years (I hope this brings me out of my teenage spots - we can hope)! But seriously, I can't believe I have been on this planet for 20 years, how insane is that!

It only feels like yesterday when I was sitting with my Bratz dolls, playing with their hair and dressing them up. I'm sure we all did stuff like that. Those were the days where you had no worries, or at least your biggest worry was 'have I done my homework' wow, can I go back to that.

But the last 5 years, have gone super quick, and it's seriously scary. Ever since I've left school, life has just flown by and every single day seems to zoom past. In 365 days I will be 21, and I will be able to drink in America is just crazzzzzy. Well I think thats right, if I have got my facts correct...

I haven't really got any plans this year, but I've got the week off work, so hopefully my boyfriend will take me somewhere nice, where I can either lie on the beach and catch a tan or do some retail therapy.  I do think whatever I do, as long as I'm with people I love, it will be a great day.

If it's your birthday soon, or even today... HAPPY BIRTHDAY! What do you love to do on your special day?


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