Wednesday, 21 December 2016

BLOGMAS DAY 3: Top 5 Games to play around Christmas....

So in my family we have a tradition that after we've stuffed our faces with turkey, pigs in blankets, roasters and all the other good things! We then crack out the games, so I'm basically going to share with you my faves... how exciting!! I am essentially going to explain how to play each one, leave places of where you can get the games, and then tell you the prices! So we can all have fun and games...

#1 Scattorgies
I would say this is my most favourite game (most favourite?!) But, it really is. I love playing this with my family. What you do is pick a card which has topics like 'place, clothing, singer, actor, etc... and then roll a dice which has letters on. So you have a letter, you then have to an egg timer which is a minute. You then have to complete 10 of your topics which are on your card, and write down something for each one, beginning with that letter! So get your thinking caps on... 

#2 Cards
This is probably a Christmas tradition that goes on each year, because my Grandad has always grown up with cards, and we always seem to get them out, because its simple. We play games from snap to whist. 

#3 Taboo
For Taboo, you are in teams. One person in your team has to explain something like 'tree' but they aren't allowed to say the three words thats on their card, so for example they wouldn't be able to say 'green' 'tall' and 'leaves' and the team have to guess what they are going on about. 

#4 Monopoly
Now, only play this one if you have a spare few hours. This game is always great around Christmas though. Its quite hard to explain actually, but the aim of the game is to go around the board with your cute character (I'm always the dog) and buy places, put hotels and apartments on your places you've bought. When someone lands on your place, they owe you money. You just go with the board game really, so it is quite self explanatory, but it does take a while. The aim though, is not to run out of money, and not end up in jail...

#5 Pictionary
I'm pretty sure everyones heard of pictionary, but for those who haven't its crazy simple, someone has to draw something, and then the others have to guess what it is they have drawn. Then they get to have a go. But if you are anything like me, it's a hard game, when you can barely draw a stick man!

Are you excited for Christmas yet? 


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